We make the technological and business skills of our Senior Advisors available to our clients

Deep knowledge of the client's industry, challenges and opportunities
Understanding of contribution of technology to business development and competitiveness
Ability to identify the main technologies to be used and the related impacts at the business level
Develop solid and well-articulated business cases to support technological propositions
Flexibility and ability to adapt solutions and proposals to the client's business model and business opportunities
TRG is structured to guarantee all the interventions for the restructuring and corporate relaunch
In the consulting industry, every situation is unique and requires a specific set of solutions. At TRG we work with you to transform your organization, lead you towards bold ideas and pragmatic solutions. We do all of this through careful 360-degree strategic planning

We support our Clients in the Execution phase
The most complex and delicate phase is represented by the Execution, the moment in which everything that has been analysed, modeled and planned must be implemented. TRG does not limit itself to the definition of strategies, but also supports its customers in the implementation, up to the achievement of the pre-established objectives
Our Services
Supporting Innovation decision making on reference technologies, innovative companies and investment choices

Innovation from scaleups to corporations is our model

We are fully hands-on on
what we do

We address major forward looking trends
We follow and focus on key emerging technologies with the aim to actual business application
Direct participation in business development and technology development both at SME and Corporation level
We do take direct accountability both with direct investment in SMEs and in projects with Corporations
Addressing and selecting key technological trends towards new business and value creation
Our Experience
Selected case studies

A new a fresh perspctive to Phovoltaic development
... with the aim to exploit areas already used for infrastructure maximing productivity and avoiding additional soil exploitation...
New technology to improve PV productivity
...not just business innovation on identifying non traditional areas but also very advanced technologies to improve significantly the PV generation performance...

We invest in Plasma toarch to create value from by products through high temperature gasification towards green H2, RNG, SAF
Vertical farming for CO2 reduction and high quality Products
Vertical farming with high tech and AI for the planet, i.e., high quality products, CO2 reduction and control and best use of resources (-94% of water, -60% of light needed only PV fed)

Key connectivity technologies to precision agriculture
...not only vertical farming but also traditional agriculture pruductivity imporvement is our focus
Last frontier for connectivity: Private Network
5G and 4G applications for micro private network will enable enhaced broad band indoor and in my yard applications with strong security and very high perfomance

Power quality focus
Energy transition towards RES implies a lower level of inertia in the grid with problem in the quality of the electric wave on the grid with holes and spikes of power and consequences for the industrial system. We developed a fresh and innovative approach to address this problem.
Emobility enabled by Charging Hubs
Key to emobility is charging stations availability and power. Charging hubs will represent a reference solutions towards enabling actual high speed and superhigh speed charging