About Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Project

Our team includes senior professionals, with a solid industrial, innovation and financial expertise

We structured a deep focus on energy transition sector and all correlated innovative approaches

Our track record encompasses 25 – 35 years of experience, with a deep experience in energy and innovation, built through our work in corporations, innovative companies and asset managers

We constanlty monitor and invest in innovative companies in a condition to develop a potential significant growth

We have developed an inside view both on the innovative company angle and the corporation angle: we know what the innovators need and what the established corporations need, and how to find the right match

Capability to action specific levers to accelerate such growth, including:
Access to established corporations (via open innovation)
Access to international markets
Industrial scaleup supported by the necessary resources
Value chain networking and integration, and cross-value chain opportunities

Meet the Team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Our Clients

Major Energy and Utilities
We supported major Italian and European Utilities in technology scouting, new business development and Venture Capital fro energy transition and decarbonization

Major Industrial Companies
We supported energy transition and decarbonization of major chemical, and process coroporations

Infrastructure and Transportation
We operated in the decarbonization and energy transition plan and relevant key implementation initiatives for motorways, railways and airports